Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Calling

I've been exposed to some people online... some people that I *love* and it seems to me that everything they touch turns to gold. They amaze me, along with so many others. People flock to their classes. They swarm to buy their products. I could be very jealous. Instead, I am in awe of them.

I do deal with jealousy, don't get me wrong. I also deal with my feelings of inadequacy. My feelings of being quite inferior.

But it hit me today. Just like a cast iron skillet. It wacked me right in the head, it did. I do affect people's lives. My reach may not be huge. But I've had students in my Artist Empowerment Class. I have helped them. I have changed lives. I have helped them to believe in themselves. That, my friend, is powerful stuff!

I will carry on. And help a small group at a time. Maybe that... THAT is what I'm here for.


Theresa said...


Its not the QUANTITY of the people you help, its the QUALITY of the help! You are amazing and you touch people's hearts!


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