This has been a really long week. Tomorrow, rain or shine, I am going out with my cameras and getting some good shots. I just know that... remember my earlier post about 'showing up at the page'? If I go, I will get them. With the fall colors, the falling leaves, and the amazing barns and trees in my area, I'm all set. Or perhaps I'll go out by the wineries... the possibilities are endless.
I am also going to do some extra work on The Artist's Way, and possibly plan something special for the girls who are doing it with me... they are working so hard! It's the first time I've facilitated this, and it's really an amazing experience for me. It's leading me... new directions are around the bend. Lots of thoughts about what I want to be when I grow up.
I honestly feel like I'm kinda doing some groundwork now.... getting things in place. Like the pre-packing you do before you move. And the odd thing is... this time, as I'm doing the groundwork, I recognize it as such and I feel how important it is. I know I must do it mindfully and carefully, so I have a good base.
Thoughts are heavy today. Have a safe weekend... try to focus on being present.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Hooray for the weekend!
Posted by Robynsart at 5:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: being mindful, groundwork, photography
Thursday, October 29, 2009
My dad...
This is a photo of my dad. I'm guessing it was taken about 30 years ago. When I went to Utah last time, we went through his old photos and I scanned a bunch in. There were a lot better pictures of his face. Lots showing him in his Navy uniform, quite a few that show him cooking, several of him showing off his tattoos... but this photo speaks to me the most. Probably because it shows his deep-rooted love of photography. I am still amazed that we share that love.
Someone very near and dear to me has been pointing out other similarities between dad and I to me lately. We're both very stubborn. Extremely. We have our set ideas about what self-care is, regardless of what others encourage us to do. We are both very strong individuals.
My dad is my biggest hero. Thoughts of him are heavy on my mind today because he spent the night in the hospital again. However, Dad is an amazing fighter and he assures me that it's not his time to go yet. Know what? Against all medical knowledge I have... and even though all the odds are against him... I believe him. He has more than proven himself to me before.
So Dad... when you are home and you read this... know, that even in your struggles I am learning amazing life lessons from you. Thank you, and I love you.
Posted by Robynsart at 5:03 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Time to Rally
Sorry for my absence yesterday. I was fighting a migraine and felt very under the weather. I still trudged through work, but it was a difficult day. Today I'm feeling a little better...
Posted by Robynsart at 4:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: fighting it, overcoming
Monday, October 26, 2009
I had a bit of fun yesterday editing photos. This version didn't quite make the cut to go into my shop, but I still like it.
Posted by Robynsart at 5:04 AM 2 comments
Labels: creativity, family, photography
Friday, October 23, 2009
I am so pleased that Friday is here. It's going to be a very busy weekend, but at least it won't include going to work. Don't get me wrong... I am not a work hater. I am a perfect fit for the job I have, and I do it well. I'm just always happy to have a couple days off, aren't we all?
I hope to have a lot of photography time in this weekend, though it may not be for my shop. Going to watch my boys' cousins play football on Saturday, and going to watch my boys race motocross on Sunday. So lots of photos of them.
I will, however, as always, get some creative shots in... I just can't help myself. I will also be completing week one of the artist's way. I'm already being led in some new directions on this journey... I can't wait to see where it takes me!
I hope you all have a wonderful and safe weekend... do something fun!
Posted by Robynsart at 4:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: photography, The Artist's Way
Thursday, October 22, 2009
"Show up at the Page"
I'm doing the Artist's Way with a couple of friends, and a big part of it is writing the morning pages. 3 pages of uncensored writing first thing in the morning. I have to admit, it's not always first thing in the morning for me, but they are an amazing tool! You learn so much about yourself when you have to write out 3 pages worth of stuff.
Posted by Robynsart at 4:43 AM 3 comments
Labels: morning pages, motivation, show up, The Artist's Way
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Keeping it Safe
I took this photo in the park on Sunday. I visit that statue every time I go there. I love the dog's longing look, and how the girl is determined to not let him get her ice cream. The only thing missing is the ice cream falling off the cone.
Posted by Robynsart at 4:33 AM 3 comments
Labels: determination, goals, ideas
Monday, October 19, 2009
New Photos

Posted by Robynsart at 4:40 AM 4 comments
Labels: creativity, encouragement, photography, The Artist's Way
Friday, October 16, 2009
Climbing Higher
This is the most recent print available in my shop... I took an old favorite of mine and added some editing... and there it is. Like I said, it's one of my favorites. I took it during a camping trip last year. Up above the stairs was a very small parking area, then you walk down the stairs, follow a trail, and go to your camp site. It was so enclosed... I loved it!
To me this photo shows one part of the journey we are all on. Trust me, those stairs started looking daunting as we were packing all our gear out of our site! But life is not best lived while strolling along a flat, straight road. Life is best when climbing those stairs or hiking up that mountain! And I love the brightness at the top of the stairs... no idea what it is from below, but we are led towards it. More often than not, we are rewarded.
I'm basically an optomistic person and choose to think there's a light at the end of the tunnel even when I can't see one. I know from past personal experience two things: that things will always get better when they are bad, and that I *need* to know there's a light at the end of the tunnel, so even if there wasn't one there before, there is now!
I am beginning The Artist's Way with some friends. I see a mountain before me, but I see a huge light at the top, and perhaps a nourishing tree as well... I wish you all well on the journeys you are on.
Posted by Robynsart at 4:42 AM 4 comments
Labels: jouneys, light at end of tunnel, photography
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Going where the Path May Lead
I've been really listening lately. Listening to the voices, seeing the signs... and I know that I'm on a new path. I can't go very deep into it at this point, but I dare say there are amazing things on the horizon.
I will be starting The Artist's Way with a small group of friends at the end of this week, or early the next... I will be facilitating it. This will be my third or fourth time doing it, and each time is quite the journey. My seatbelt is buckled, and I am ready.
You know... life is trying... it's not all good. But I am in just the right frame of mind lately to learn from all that's going on. That's an awesome feeling!
Short blog today... how is YOUR journey going?
Posted by Robynsart at 4:32 AM 1 comments
Labels: attitude, jouney, The Artist's Way
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Not real?? Puh-lease
I have made some amazing friends online. A soul-sister that I never knew I had til she completed me. I've been with online friends through illness, pregnancy, childbirth, heartache, and now chemo... yet I do know people who would disregard any connection made online as 'not real'.
That would be the same as saying my business is not real because it's online. But, as I'm very near 200 sales, I can assure you that it is indeed real. Just as these friendships are... these people have touched my heart in ways I never knew possible. I've learned a lot of people skills, actually. And they do carry over into real life.
I'm in a forum on etsy where we always encourage one another, we help each other through... my family, I call it... and I've learned how to FEEL more (I was very good at having a hard outer protective shell). I've learned how to trust and how to reach out. And most of all, I've learned how to reach out and help others up.
I learn through conversations with my online friends that I miss my family and must call them. I learn that if I am struggling, I can lean on them. If I need a shoulder to cry on, they are there and I don't even have to worry about getting makeup on their shirts!
I am rambling now... just wanted to say to my online friends.... I love you guys and I'm so thankful for our very real relationships...
Posted by Robynsart at 4:33 AM 3 comments
Labels: etsy, family, friendships, online
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Photo Editing Fun
I have been having some fun with photo editing this weekend. Several new prints (including the one above) will be listed in my shop today.
I know me pretty well. And I knew that what I needed the most was to be creative over the weekend. I made and listed 2 new journals, took some amazing photos of them, and then went on to the photo editing. I only broke one toe in the process! So, it was a good weekend!
I will be starting on The Artist's Way this coming week with a few online friends. I am looking forward to that more than you could ever know! Strange time to be doing it, right before the holidays, perhaps... but perhaps it's the perfect time.
Dad, if you don't hear from me today, call me... sometimes I forget my phone can dial out :-)
Don't forget to check my shop throughout the day for my latest photos. Have a wonderful Monday. If you find yourself in a funk, let those who love you know so they can help pull you out!
Posted by Robynsart at 4:35 AM 1 comments
Labels: creating, editing, photography, The Artist's Way
Friday, October 9, 2009
Kick Start Creativity
I took this photo one day with my dad. He was driving, and would stop each time he saw something photo worthy. Then I would get out, snap a few, and off we would be to the next photo opportunity.
Tomorrow, I hope to get some photography done, but it could very well work out that it will be Sunday. Either way. I just know I want a creative weekend.
I have been thinking a lot about doing The Artist's Way again. I'd love to start it right now, but I am realistic and know it may have to wait til March. In the meantime, I need to get my Artist's Way book out again, and just kinda look through it for a little kick start.
I know me. And I know that all I need is the gumption to get started... then I will be off and running again. Tomorrow, I will make journals around any possible photography time. I will also edit photos at some time this weekend and add items to my shop.
I'm lost without goals... how about you?
Posted by Robynsart at 4:49 AM 2 comments
Labels: busy-ness, creativity, The Artist's Way
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Plan for Creativity
This weekend, I am committing to working on items for my etsy shop. I hope to make new journals, go and take new photos, and spend some time editing some photos to list. I have not felt very creative lately, and I know that I need to just get started with it... if I force a start, the creative juices will flow freely.
Tonight will be about play. We are going to a concert. Tomorrow work, Saturday sleeping in... then the creativity muse will be knocking... I can feel it already. Just need to get some energy to let her in.
I hope all is well in your world.
By the way, blogger's not allowing me to upload a photo, I'll try in a bit.
Posted by Robynsart at 4:49 AM 1 comments
Labels: creativity, planning
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Things I learned from my Dad
I've blogged quite a bit about my Dad. Loyal readers know that I've only had a relationship with my dad for 5 years or less. We didn't know each other until then. We had seen one another, at my mom's funeral, I stayed with him for a week around the time of my brother's graduation, etc. But we didn't KNOW one another. Then one Father's Day, a few years ago, I called him.
We got to know one another slowly, and last summer, I took my family there for vacation. Then I went on a solo trip to see him some months later. I took the above photo in his yard during that trip. The leaf looked like a heart to me. Dad and I had a few occasions to do some photography together. And if I was going to miss a spectacular sunrise, he'd wake me. Sunrises and sunsets are his thing, mostly because he can photo them from his porch.
I learned to fully appreciate the beauty in nature from Dad. I learned to make sure I notice the gorgeous sunset every morning. I learned that odds don't matter, you just keep on keeping on. And I have learned that laughter is such an important part of life. Dad always has a joke. They are generally very off color, but always funny.
Dad is in the hospital again and he seems to be in good spirits. I only worry about what he's not telling me. But he has jokes. He sent me a cell phone picture of a sunrise yesterday. He has love, and he has wisdom. My dad is my hero. The day will come when he is not physically here anymore (not anytime soon, I hope), but I will always cherish each and every moment we've had. Dad... thank you so much for all that you are!
Posted by Robynsart at 4:48 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Photography Weekend
I am pretty sure I have posted this photo before. I am so drawn to it. I think this evening I will edit it and list it in my shop.
I went and took some photos yesterday. I took photos of a historical Catholic Church (no services were going on, and I stayed on the sidewalk). While taking photos, someone from the church came out to question me. It was kind of surreal. The sign out front says 'historical so and so, built in 18??'... yet they had an issue with me photographing the building. I found that very odd. So I left there, and went and took some photos of the Jewish Temple. No-one there bothered me. Of course, I still stayed on the sidewalk and respected their property.
Both buildings were in an awesome neighborhood, with amazing architecture. I plan to go back next Saturday for some more photos. While we were walking around the temple, we saw some jugglers in the park across the street. So who knows what opportunities there will be for me next weekend.
This evening, I plan to upload the photos and see what I have. But first, to make it through Monday at work. I wish you well.
Posted by Robynsart at 4:30 AM 5 comments
Labels: architecture, photography
Friday, October 2, 2009
I am so happy that it's Friday! I find out today if I have to work tomorrow... I'm really hoping not. It has been a really long week. Sunday we are going to a friend's house, and if I don't work Saturday, I hope to get some journals made. I have not had much relaxation time this week it seems. I also feel like I haven't been productive. I've had a head cold and it has greatly slowed me down.
I work 10 hour days, and at least one day a week, I come home about 3 hours early. Those 3 hours are always amazing re-claimed time. I have not had a chance to do that this week, and may not. It's strange what a difference 3 hours makes.
If I do have to work tomorrow, perhaps I can get some journals prepped tonight to sew tomorrow while I am at work. We shall see.
Posted by Robynsart at 4:41 AM 1 comments
Labels: TGIF